And Now a Word From Our Sponsor…

Test Pattern

What does God want to give you?

God wants to reconcile me to himself, to free me from captivity to sin, to fill me with knowledge of him, to make me a citizen of his Kingdom, and to enable me to worship, serve, and glorify him now and forever. [From the 2014 ACNA Catechism, Question 7.]

seventh seal the knave speaks

( Ingmar Bergman, The Seventh Seal)


  1. Mary Watkins

    Praise God! I thank God for all of you and your stedfastness in The Faith, although I do not live on that side of the Sound to fellowship with you


    • Blessings to you Mary! It is good to know that we can share our bond of faith across the Sound! Perhaps you will be able to join us for one of the Advent or Christmas tide services. On 4th Advent at 10:30 we will have a service of Lessons and Carols, a 5:00pm and 10:30 pm Christmas Eve Mass and a 10:00am Christmas Day service. Yours in the Love and Mercy of Christ, Fr. Harley+

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