Trinity Sunday

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This coming Sunday (the one after Pentecost) is a celebration of God’s self-revelation as a trinity.  God’s nature is beyond our comprehension (not too surprising given the distance between us and the creator of the universe) but Jesus taught that he and God the Father were “one” and that after his work on earth was done, the Holy Spirit would come to comfort and assist the Church.  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit adds up to three (we can figure that part out) but there is only one God.  Everyday analogies (triangles, shamrocks, etc.) don’t cast much light on this mystery, which was the subject of fierce debate within the Church particularly in the early centuries.  The Nicene Creed was written in three sections to reflect the three persons of the Trinity.  We can be confident about these things:  God is real; Jesus is real (and is God); the Holy Spirit is real (and is God).  We can worship and adore until such time as we see the reality face to face.  Come and join us in the celebration and mystery of that worship.

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