Trinity Sunday

June 16, the Sunday after Pentecost, is festival dedicated to one of the deepest divine mysteries:  the Holy Trinity.  God has revealed himself in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We don’t understand this fully, but we do see that at some deep level God embodies relationship, which seems to tie in with the Good News that God is love.

The roots of this celebration are old:  Thomas Becket (1118–70) was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury on the Sunday after Pentecost and he dedicated this day to the Holy Trinity. After his assassination, he was revered as a saint and his idea of Trinity Sunday spread, first throughout Europe and later to America, including Shoreline.

Given the long history of Christianity, most Sundays (in fact most weekdays) of the year have become associated with saints, significant events, or theological concepts.  Attending every week gives you access to this rich heritage.

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