Sunday May 13, 2012

Rogation Sunday
Since medieval times, the three days before ASCENSION DAY (called HOLY THURSDAY in Great Britain) have been known as Rogation Days (from rogare, “to pray”). Both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches set them aside as days of abstinence and prayer, especially for the harvest.
In many churches in the United States Rogation Sunday, the fifth Sunday after EASTER, has been known as Rural Life Sunday or Soil Stewardship Sunday since 1929—a day when the religious aspects of agricultural life are emphasized. It is also known as Cantate Sunday because the Latin Mass for this day begins with the first words of Psalm 98, Cantate Domino, “Sing to the Lord.” (from:
From an Anglican church in England we learn that: Traditional Rogation Services can involve a walk around the village or neighbourhood with stops at the river, meadow, farm, a garden and church with a hymn, reading and prayer at each. It is a day when the “real” world is linked more closely to the service. (As mentioned in previous years that custom was called “beating the bounds” – no bounds were harmed by this practice)
Such services are usually organised by the Anglican church but other denominations join in locally.
Other Agricultural Services include:
• Blessing the Plough or Plough Sunday
• Lambing Service
• Lamas
• Harvest Festivals.
• New:- Salt Sunday (Cheshire) Note: this is a local industry and they give praise to God for the many blessings from this industry.

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